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Carnival and winter holiday fun

February 13th, 2025, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Join us for a carnival celebration for the whole family at the Open-Air Museum in Herning!

Here, you can decorate carnival twigs, create masks, hit the "cat out of the barrel," and learn about carnival traditions from the old days. There’s also plenty of opportunity to explore the historical houses of the Open-Air Museum or visit Jens Nielsen’s farmhouse.

Shrovetide is a tradition rooted in pre-Reformation times. During the Catholic era, Shrovetide marked the beginning of the 40-day Lent. In addition to enjoying food that would soon be forbidden, Shrovetide was also a time when normal rules were turned upside down, and societal norms were temporarily suspended.

At 11:00 AM, we’ll hit the "cat out of the barrel" and crown the Cat King and Cat Queen of the year. Until the late 1800s, the barrel-breaking included a live cat; however, these days, we settle for treats inside the barrel. Costumes are, of course, welcome!

Free admission for the whole family.