The 7 memorial plaques in Gilleleje
In connection with the marking of the 75th anniversary of "Gilleleje October 1943" in 2013, sculptor Gerda Thune Andersen created 7 memorial plaques for Gilleleje in remembrance of the assistance provided by the citizens of Gilleleje to Danish Jews in October 1943.
The bronze plaques are placed at points that held special significance in rescuing the many who were helped across the Øresund from Gilleleje.
The 7 bronze memorial plaques are located around the town of Gilleleje at the following places:
- Gilleleje Church, Gilleleje Hovedgade 45
- The Beach Hills east of Gilleleje Harbor
- Gilleleje Station, Stationsvej 10
- "Manufakturhandleren" on Østergade
- The Community House on Gilleleje Hovedgade 55
- At the stable loft on Østergade 5
- Gilleleje Harbour
At all of the memorial plaques, a QR code can be scanned with a smartphone. This allows you to read about the memorial plaque and listen to the audio file that tells the story behind each one.
October '43
In 1943, it was ordered by Hitler that Danish Jews should be interned. An operation was prepared. It was to happen on the night between the 1st and 2nd of October, but information about the operation was leaked, allowing most of the Danish Jews to escape to Sweden with the help of their fellow countrymen.
One of the escape routes passed through Gilleleje. Many came that way, but unfortunately, a large group was also caught in Gilleleje - the largest group on the night between the 6th and 7th of October while hiding in the church's loft.
It is possible to go on a guided tour of Gilleleje Church and hear the story - Gilleleje Church's office phone +454830 3776.