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The Arsenalet in Frederiksværk - The industrial history of the city and access to the Royal North Zealand National Park

The Arsenal in Frederiksværk is a museum representing the city's rich industrial history. Located in this historic industrial town, you can experience the exhibition showcasing Frederiksværk's development as a thriving industrial city for over 250 years and the gateway to the Royal North Zealand National Park

Visit the Exhibition on the City's Industrial History

The exhibition at the Arsenal presents a wide range of products that have been manufactured in the city over the years. Since Frederiksværk was established as Denmark's first industrial city, the town has produced many goods. From military products like gunpowder, bullets, and bronze cannons to civil production of iron goods such as pots, mirrors, stoves, and central heating systems, Frederiksværk has always been a vital hub for industrial activities.

Frederiksværk's History

The history of Frederiksværk as an industrial city is closely tied to the kings and the canal. In the mid-18th century, Frederiksværk was established as Denmark's most powerful military-industrial complex. Weapons and ammunition were produced here for the defence of the kingdom. The foundry in the city later shifted to the civil production of iron goods and continued to supply a wide range of products.

A particularly noteworthy part of Frederiksværk's industrial history is the Copper Rolling Mill, where copper was rolled for the sheathing of ships and used for making coins. This facility was of crucial importance to maritime trade and the local economy.

In the 1940s, the Danish Steel Rolling Mill was established in Frederiksværk and remains the most dominant company in the city today. The steel mill has significantly contributed to the city's economy and has been a source of employment for many people.

Entrance to the Royal North Zealand National Park

In addition to the exhibition on Frederiksværk's industrial history, the Arsenal also houses the gateway to the Royal North Zealand National Park. Here, you can find information and guidance about the national park, part of the larger region of North Sealand, and discover what you can see and experience in the park.

The Museum Shop

Also, visit the museum shop at the Arsenal, where you can purchase child-friendly souvenirs, ice cream, and other treats. In the museum shop, you can find a selection of souvenirs specifically designed to celebrate Frederiksværk's industrial history. These souvenirs are suitable for children and adults and can be perfect souvenirs or gifts for friends and family.

The Arsenal is more than just an exhibition about Frederiksværk's industrial history. It is where you can delve into the city's past and experience the proud heritage of industrial production that has shaped Frederiksværk. The exhibition and museum shop provide a unique opportunity to learn about the city's development and discover the various products manufactured here over the years.

Practical Information

  • Date: 23rd March - 1st April, May 4th to August 25th and October 12th to 20th, 2024.
  • Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
  • Admission: DKK 75. The ticket is valid for the Arsenal and the Gunpowder Works Museum in Frederiksværk.
  • Children and Youth under 18: Free admission.