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Bike tour, Rødding - Øster Lindet
A route of 21 km leading you through the town of Rødding (Sønderjylland) to Langetved and Øster Lindet and back to Rødding.
The tour starts at Frimenighedskirken in Rødding where you find parking space, or approx. 2 km west of Jels where Jelsvej is crossed by Helletvej. The route leads through rather flat area with several places to stop on your way.
The route appears from the PDF file attached and it is not marked en route.
- Rødding Højskole
- Rødding Frimenighedskirke
- Genforeningsstenen at Højskolealléen
- Rødding Sognekirke
- Toftlundgård by Langetved
- Øster Lindet Kirke
- Sommerlystskoven in Rødding
- Remains of the old stretch of railway "æ kleinbahn"
- Rødding Centret