Bøged Forest
Between Bøged and Stavreby on Jungshoved, you will find Bøged forest.
It is a privately owned forest that is particularly well known in the local area. As you drive along Bøged Strandvej you will find that the forest edge is filled with many large rhododendron bushes. The many beautiful and large bushes flower at slightly different times depending on the variety of the bush, but flowering starts in early summer. In addition to the large beautiful bushes, much of the forest floor is also filled with beautiful daffodils.
The collection of bushes is visible in two roadturns and belongs to the thatched half-timbered house that lies down to the water. The site was in ancient times a place where many travelers ate food after a steamboat trip from Copenhagen.
It is allowed to walk in the forest as long as you adhere to various rules for traveling in private forest. Of course, do not take branches, flowers or anything else home from the forest.