Bowl'n'fun - the Grill
The Grill restaurant in Holstebro is part of the bowling alley Bowl'n'Fun.
In addition to our popular barbecue buffet, we also offer delicious brunch.
The Grill Holstebro serves a large buffet with delicious starters and specialties with tapas and a large selection of grilled meats, mini burgers and various potato dishes. In addition, we have a large salad buffet with delicious accessories.
For dessert, we spoil you with a large dessert buffet, where you can choose between different soft ice cream, chocolate fountain and the exciting fruits of summer.
Bowl'n'Fun is Denmark's largest bowling and amusement chain. In addition to The Grill restaurant, you will find Laser Hero, The Track Gokart and Happies Playland in several of the bowling centers.