Buderup Ødekirke
The village church in Buderup was built around year 1100-1200. Traces after old frescos can be seen around the church.
The church was in use for many years, but was closed down in 1907, due to new churches being built in Sørup and Støvring. This was since Buderup was too far away for most of the local congregation.
Some of the church furniture and fixtures from Buderup was moved to other churches. The pulpit and altarpiece was moved to the church in Suldrup, and the church silverware and other items was moved to Støvring. However, the original baptismal font and alter still stands in Buderup Ødekirke.
The church surroundings were protected in 1951, and the church is now owned by the Danish Nature Agency.
Today, the church is used for different cultural events, such as art exhibitions.
The church can be visited on appointment with the Danish Nature Agency, phone (+45) 72 54 30 00