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Cykelfuglen Ærø

Make your way past Leby Kulturmark and discover culture with fine, symbolic greetings to the Ærø you may already love.

Leby Kulturmark is an experimental exhibition place for sculptures and installations.

Some as a commentary on Ærø's cultural history and others on the works of various artists. It is the artist Niels Rahbæk who is behind Leby Kulturmark, and he collaborates with the entire island's cultural environment, so that a positive synergy is created in the future development of Ærø's cultural offer during and outside the tourist season.

The exhibited works will be continuously supplemented or replaced with new ones. Both local, national and international artists are encouraged to contact us for the installation of subtle projects or works.

There is free access to Leby Kulturmark for everyone and traffic is at your own risk. The idea is that walking and cycling tourists in particular are welcome to use the area for a break where the packed lunch is eaten while installations and sculptures are experienced.