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De fem Halder - The Five Halds near Viborg

Visit the landscape of Hald where once the five 'Halder' were situated. Here, you can experience 800 years of history within walking distance between the Dollerup Hills and the Hald lake.

De fem Halder have a long and exciting history which you can find out more about in Haldladen next to the parking lot by Hald Manor House.

Learn a bit more about the five historical locations here:

Old Hald

This is the castle that was never finished. Gammel Hald would have been an impressive castle if it had been completed. The castle moat has a diameter of about 80 meters and was surrounded by a 2.5 meter deep inner moat. This suggests that the castle dates from the period 1250-1300.

Valdemar's Fortification

Valdemar's Fortification is a siege facility that was established by King Valdemar Atterdag in 1372 to conquer the castle Hald. On the largest of the two ramparts, the king apparently built a large siege machine.

The Ruins of Hald Castle

In the 1520s, the last Catholic bishop in Viborg, Jørgen Friis, built this modern defensive castle. Today, you can still visit the Ruins of Hald Castle and enjoy the fantastic view from the tower.

Daas Manor

Daas Manor was established by Major General Gregers Daa in the early 1700s. He built a large timber-framed manor house with barns, stables, and a cobbled courtyard with building materials from the old Hald Castle. The main house was located where the two white pavilions in front of Hald Manor House now stand.

Hald Manor House

The current main building of Hald Manor House was built around 1787 by Judge Frederich Schinkel. Schinkel was known as "The Farmer Plague" because he was reportedly a tough man. The main building was originally built as a gatehouse to Gregers Daa's manor house from the early 1700s.

See more about De fem Halder here (Danish).

Access to the Five Halder area is free of charge.

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