Læsø's route 840 is free.
The local bus Route 840 on Læsø is run by DitoBus Linjetrafik.
It is free to take the bus on route 840!
Bicycles and prams can be included for a small fee
See more on Læsø Municipality's website https://www.laesoe.dk/borger/trafik-og-veje/bus
Drive door-to-door with the flextrafik bus on Læsø at low prices
DitoBus Linjetrafik handles the flex run on Læsø.
The Flex run includes the open schemes Flextur and Plustur.
To use these schemes, you must register at www.NT.flextrafik.dk or via the app "Flextrafik".
In addition, the flex ride includes all the ride schemes Flex Handicap, Flexaktivitet, Flexlæge, Flexskole and Flexsygehus.
To use one of these schemes, you must be visited by your municipality or by the North Jutland Region.
See more about Flextrafik at www.nordjyllandstrafikselskab.dk