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Galleri Øst in Bogense

Art gallery Galleri Øst in Bogense presents exciting and versatile works from four local artists!

Welcome to Galleri Øst - Danish for Gallery East.

Gallery East is an artist community where 4 local artists exhibit watercolour and oil paintings, psaligraphy, ceramics and knitwear. In addition, a number of guest exhibitors are invited.

The selection in the changing exhibitions is always versatile, exciting, creative and characterised by high quality.

Artists in Galleri Øst

The four local artists who exhibit at the gallery are:

Bella Husted. Watercolour and oil painting

Karin Søgaard. Ceramics.

Anette Ø. Svendsen. Knitwear.

Karen Engholm. Psaligraphy.

Opening hours:

Thursday and Friday 13.00-17.00

Saturday 10.00-14.00.

And Sundays in July and August 10.00-14.00.

It is also possible to make an appointment outside opening hours. Contact: Bella Husted +45 4098 5809 or Karen Engholm +45 2960 5813