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Galleri Vognporten - Fotografi af Chresten Kruchov

Photographer Chresten Kruchov has documented moments from everyday life for more than 50 years

Over 50 years experience of photography

Chresten Kruchov was given his first camera as a confirmation present. Ever since he has been snapping away wherever he went. For the past 45 years he has worked professionally with photography, both for various publishers and in connection with his career as a teacher, researcher and manager.

“I have photographed throughout my working life, but I also took art photographs in my spare time, many of which were used in photography books. When I turned 65 in 2011 I decided to retire from work and devote myself to photography full time. I felt that if I really wanted to get something out of photography, it was crucial that I didn’t get distracted working with anything else…” - Chresten Kruchov

He has a great love of Street Photography, taking black and white photographs of everyday life in the city’s streets and alleyways, but since he moved to Langeland in 2017 he has also developed a deep interest in nature.

Kruchovs har fanget et glimt af den gamle bymølle i Rudkøbing gennem en baggård

The Photographer’s Autumn Exhibition

As well as taking photographs, Chresten Kruchov arranges the Langeland Photographer’s annual autumn exhibition in Nowhuset, which he took the initiative for the first time in 2019. The exhibition features 15 photographers selected by Chresten Kruchov. The exhibition runs every year during October and November.

kunstnere på Langeland fotograf Chresten Kruchov

If you would like to see more….

You can visit the Photography Gallery Vognporten at Jens Winthers Vej 3 in Rudkøbing. The Gallery is open Thursday - Saturday, form 11.00 to 16.00.