Haderup shelter site
The shelter site is private property and is located next to Haderis Å.
The site and its associated facilities are available to anyone who wishes to stay and possibly stay overnight in the open air. You are free to use the site, and it is free of charge.
The site is managed and supervised continuously by Haderup Civic Association (Haderup Borgerforening) in collaboration with Herning Municipality.
There are 3 shelters on the site, and two of them can be reserved. Book here: https://selvbetjening.info/ngo/book.php?id=27
If any problems arise or if you have questions about your booking, you can contact Herning Municipality, Nature and Green Areas (Natur og Grønne Områder).
Phone: +45 9628 8141 / +45 9628 8147
Mobile: +45 2096 2274
Email: parkognatur@herning.dk