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Hiking route Læsø - Vesterø-Holtemmen-Badesøen-Remmerne - 14 km with beach, heather, raised bog, forest and town

Walk from Vesterø along the beach to Holtemmen's unique nature and further in through the forest to the airport and a small detour to Badesøen, and from there to Remmerne and Kærene with the beautiful Birkemose, and then back along small paths to Vesterø again - 14 km in varied terrain with both beach, trails, forest roads and asphalt.

A beautiful and very varied trip of about 14 km, which offers town, beach, dunes, raised bog, forest and bog.

The trip is a good opportunity to experience the great variety that Læsø's nature can offer, and there are both opportunities for sea views and rare plants.

From Vesterø, the route goes out through the harbor and past the small shipyard, which is still active with a smithy and berth. Further out of town with the view to Nordre Rønner's lighthouse on the left and to one of Læsø's more distinctive holiday home areas, where small old holiday homes lie side by side with large modern houses. They all share the view of the ocean and the view of lots of fresh air when the wind goes north.

On the inside of the dune is a fine trail, where wrinkled rose stands side by side with the heather. The trail ends in a small path, which leads in through a forest area that ends at Holtemennen. At times it can be humid, and then you can pull into the country and there see the traces of the Germans' activities during the occupation. A railway from Vesterø to Holtemmen was planned here. It never came to anything, but the railway tracks had arrived on Læsø, and an enterprising merchant sold them to many of Læsø's farms, where they were used in construction. In several places you can see them in the ceiling construction in the former stables, such as at Læsø Antik & Retro in their café.

At Holtemmen you can probably enjoy Læsø's greatest diversity of plants. Holtemmen is a so-called mosaic nature with great variety, and guided tours are regularly arranged with Læsø's nature guides to the area.
From Holtemmen, the route goes into the forest, which is part of Læsø Kliplantage. Via a forest road, Plantagevejen is reached and another path leads down to Stenbrovejen, where you pass the Danish Nature Agency's stables for the Galloway cattle, which are part of the nature conservation on Læsø. Around Læsø Airport, which has regular connections from Roskilde Airport and is also frequently used by many private pilots, and then a small detour to Badesøen - one of Læsø's gems with shelters, good bathing opportunities, a favorite SUP spot and a good place to a break.

Back to the end of the airfield and then in a straight line in through Kærene, another protected gem on Læsø. Ad Remmerne on to Birkemosen, a beautiful bog with, among other things, lobelias. Finally, the trip is rounded off with a detour along a small path from Løvfaldsvej and back to Vesterø Havnegade with its commercial life and Læsø Kur.

Vesterø-Holtemmen-Badesøen-Remmerne 14 km