Important events on Samsø from the year 726 until today
726 Kanhavekanalen is established
1184 King Canute VI holds a large “Noble Convention” on Samsø
1215 King Valdemar hold herreddag on Samso
1289 Marsk Stig destroys a castle on Samsø
1449 Christian I bestows queen Dorethea Samsø as jointure
1546 Revenues from Samsøs is given to the imprisoned King Christian II for his subsistence on Sønderborg Castle
1661 Joachim Gersdorff get Samsø as compensation for the estates he lost in Scania as a result of the war with Sweden
1674 Peder Griffenfeld buys the island and calls himself Count to Samsø
1676 Griffenfeld falls out of favor, and the king takes over Samsø
1676 Christian V entrusts the island to Sophie Amalie Moth, who are exalted to countess of Samsø
1725-28 Count Danneskiold-Samsoe builds five schools on Samsø
1801 Kyholm, Lilleøre and Besser Rev are entrenched
1831 Quarantine Station at Kyholm is established
1844 Købmandsgården in Ballen established
1866 Nordby Moor planted
1870 Brattingsborg Castle built
1878 Daily postal service between the north and south island is established
1879 Holger Drachmann and wife are visiting Samsø (the first tourists on the island)
1884 Kolby Kaas port inaugurated
1894 Samsø Bank (now Jyske Bank) is founded
1900 Samsø get phone connection to the mainland
1904 Ørby church is built
1917 Samsø Museum inaugurated
1919 The hospital on Samsø is inaugurated (36 beds)
1927 Samsø Tourist Association is founded
1929 Stavns Fjord become wildlife sanctuary
1929 Topping Out Ceremony at Ballen slaughterhouse
1931 Samsø Bad (now Walters Hvile) built
1932 Tourist Office founded
1934 Samsø rescue teams created
1936 The first passenger route between Hov and Sælvig
1943 American “flying fortress” crashes in Alstrup
1948 Preservation of the Issehoved-landscape
1964 Samsø Tourist Office gets daily manager
1960 Samsø Cannery is established
1961 New sea route between Mårup and Hov
1962 Samsøs five parishes merged into Samsø Municipality
1962 Approval of own airfield
1964 Samsø get AC
1967 The ferry route between Sælvig – Hov is active year round
1967 The country’s first tourist newspaper is published by Samsø Tourism Board
1970 Samsø Tourist Office gets its own premises
1975 Samsø School is established
1984 Samsø Folkehøjskole starts
1989 The first Samsø Festival
1993 The golf course is inaugurated
1994 Brundby Dairy, the last on Samsø, is closed
1997 Samsø is appointed Energy Island
1999 The slaughterhouse in Ballen closes
1999 Pumpkin production starts
2000 Samsø Labyrinth established
2002 Samsø Hospital threatened with closure, but survives
2003 Samsø Offshore Wind inaugurated
2004 Samsø Development Office – Business and Settlement opens
2006 Health Center opens
2007 Opening of Samsø Energy Academy
2008 Denmark’s smallest pedestrian street inaugurated in Tranebjerg
2008 Archaeological investigations of Samsø’s five medieval castles started
2008 Samsøtrafikken (new ferry) takes over the ferry service to Jutland
2009 Opening of a new care center
2009 Samsø holds its first marathon
2010 Restoration of the Rose House (Old Town Hall)
2010 Danish Royal Couple visiting Samsø
2010 Samsø Commerce and Tourist Center / VisitSamsø created
2011 Excavations at Hjortholm
2012 The municipality has 50 years anniversary
2012 Viking ship Sea Stallion visiting the island of Samsø’s first Viking festival
2013 Denmark’s largest electric car day held at the Samsø Energy Academy
2015 The Dutch royal couple and the Danish royal couple visiting Samsø