The Kåver - Seemark on Fanø
The seamark Kåveren is one of two leading marks which were used by sailing ships to navigate safely from the North Sea into the tidal channel of Knudedyb.
The oldest seamark in Denmark dates from 1624. In olden days it was a risky business to sail into Ribe and back to the open North Sea. Therefore sailors needed bearings for safe navigation. That is why two seamarks were erected on the southern point of the island of Fanø. They had the same function as a gun-sight.
In 1935 the last seamark was blown over in a gale.
However, in 2011 an exact replica was re-erected at the same spot. The height is 14.50 metres and it is made of Oregon pine and oak from forests in Central Jutland and Germany.
Protected area
Kåverbjerget is extremely vulnerable to wear and tear and therefore protected as a cultural memorial. Please keep to the footpaths. Biking and riding are prohibited in the dunes.