Kayak Trip: Albuen tour, 4 - 11 km
Did you know, that you can see this route and many other nature experiences in the app “Naturlandet”. The app can be downloaded in App Store or Google Play. All information is accessible in English, Danish and German – the app is FOR FREE.
Protection and respect:
Rommerholm, Dueholm and Smedeholm: All traffic on the 3 islands is prohibited during the bird breeding season from 15 March until 15 July.
Tour description/experiences:
Furthest out in the fjord lies the narrow 7.5 km long curled tongue of land Albuen (The Elbow). It seperates Langeland Belt from Nakskov Fjord and provides shelter from the waves to birds, fish and people. Albuen is quite low, made of sand and stones that have been deposited here for several thousands of years. Here grows only a few trees and bushes that can provide shelter, so it can be a bit of a harsh experience to visit the place when it is windy, but the light from the low inlet and the deep Langelands Belt always offer something very special. There are lots of birds, and on warm and quiet evenings in May and June you can hear a strong chorus of the rare natterjack toads. The smaller islands of Barneholm, Smedeholm, Kåreholm, Munkholm, Dueholm and Rommerholm are with exception from Rommerholm all privately owned and have no sights, but they are breeding and resting places for many birds.
Practical information:
Nearby toilet facilities are found at Tårs, Albuen, Enehøje, Hestedhoved and Langø. Fresh water is found in the same places, except at Albuen where you will have to bring fresh water yourself.
Information about tents and shelters can be found on the app "Shelter" and shopping options are only possible at Nakskov Fjord Camping and in the city of Nakskov.
Many of the islands and islets in Nakskov Fjord are protected and please pay particular attention to the breeding season where some of the islands and islets are "closed".
Read more about attractions of Nakskov Fjord here and find a map of the area here.