Litteraturfestival på Strynø: for store og små
When the summer holidays arrive, Strynø Litterære Forening (Strynø Literary Association) kicks off the Literature for young and old festival.
Strynø's annual literature festival in the green "LITERATURE FOR BIG & SMALL" will once again - for the fourth year in a row - take place during the first weekend of the summer holidays. This year: Saturday 29 & Sunday 30 June.
At Strynø's summer festival, you can meet your favourite author - or be inspired by a new one! - up close, with a view of the sea and the island. Authors will read and engage in dialogue with the audience under an old tree, in a flowering garden, on a rocking jetty or around the campfire at the campsite in the evening, where professionals in the art of oral storytelling will also tell captivating stories from the archipelago. All in the familiar relaxed, present and unpretentious "Strynø Litterære Forening" setting.
Strynø is only a 30-minute ferry ride from Rudkøbing and always worth a visit for the whole family - but especially in midsummer sunshine and in such good company as this weekend.