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The Mill in Gylling

Gylling Mill was originally erected in 1860. Due to bad maintenance it collapsed during a storm in 1906, but was soon after rebuilt, this time using brickwork to form the hat.

After the mill went out of business in 1963 to building was left to decay. The hat rotted and during a storm in 1965 a wingset fell of and  the gallery collapsed.

The mill was sold for demolition in 1976 but the year after local residents formed "The private foundation of Gyllin Mølle". They have since used a tremendous amount of time in restoring the mill and preserving it for the future.
In 1994 the mill turned for the first time in 30 years.

In later years the mill have been center for art exhibitions and activities, and is also a popular destination when geocaching.

Each year on the 3rd Sunday in June is the annual Millers Day with activities