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The Millpath at Sønderskov

Møllestien is a 2.7 km long marked route at Sønderskov Hovedgård close to Brørup. The route leads you to visible traces from the cultural landscape of the manor and a range of unique natural phenomena.

The tour starts at the parking area east of the main building of Sønderskov and it is marked with posts and yellow spots. En route, you find a number of info-spots giving more information about what to notice on your way.

In medieval times, all manors had their own mill – and so did Sønderskov. The mill at Sønderskov is situated where the landscape of the ice age created a deep cleft, therefore, it came naturally to use the water for motive power for the mill. Between the manor and the mill, there was a road – and this is the road you follow on the first part of the route. Moreover, Møllestien leads you to:

- Bachmann-egen – an oak more than 200 years old
- Old banks marking the boundary between fields
- Traces of ancient monuments

Then, you reach the old watermill. You are allowed to follow the mill pond and cross the courtyard, but the rest of the area around the mill is private property. Unfortunately, parts of the mill were destroyed by a fire in 2014.

Møllestien offers a range of curious nature experiences – in addition to the landscape and mill pond. After the watermill, the path follows a steep slope formed by the ice age more than 128.000 years ago. In the swampy area, a wooden gangway was built over the moors. We recommend you to stay on the gangway as the moors are almost bottomless at this place. In earlier times, this area has been a sacrificial moor – with good reason. The moors are made up of i.a. alder swamp and alkaline fen – a rather seldom type of nature nowadays. In spring, you find the flower Maj-Gøgeurt – one of the few orchids in Denmark. The entire area around Møllestien has a rich bird life. You are sure to find the cuckoo and the nightingale – and if you are lucky, you also meet the brightly coloured kingfisher.

Practical information
The route is not passable for wheelchair users and walking-impaired. For the sake of the grazing animals, dogs are not allowed on the route.

A significant part of Møllestien leads through private property – so please show proper regard for this.

Information about the route can be downloaded here or on Sønderskov’s homepage. The museum shop at Sønderskov sells laminated maps to bring on the tour.