Nørremark Church, Vejle
Nørremarkskirken Church (Nørremarkskirken) in Vejle was designed by church architect Holger Jensen, whose signature style was experimental, but also simple. Nørremarkskirken Church was built in 1975-1976 as a parish church for Vejle Nørremark.
The Nørremark Church is designed with dark reddish brick and roofed with copper. The floor plan is shaped as a 120-degree semi-circle and opens onto a large brick-paved area with a 23-meter freestanding rectangular bell tower. The 22-tone church organ was made by Bruno Christensen & Sønner of Tinglev, Denmark.
What catches the eye today apart from the architecture is also the impressive decoration in stark contrast to the austere and dim interiors. The interiors of Nørremarkskirken Church were created by the renowned artist Peter Brandes.
In 2013, Peter Brandes, who is a Danish painter, sculptor, ceramist and photographer, created an entirely new total decoration for the church with 'The Crucified Sower' and 'the seed’ as its central themes. Most striking is Peter Brandes’ 130m2 gilt altarpiece with about 400 pear-shaped reliefs and motifs of the crucified Christ with Mother Mary and John the Baptist as mourners, figures that can also be interpreted as Adam and Eve.
Peter Brandes’ other church art pieces are certainly also worth dwelling on. The altar, baptismal font, pulpit and sculptures are all crafted using the most beautiful bronze with elaborate decorations. The baptismal basin is of sterling silver.