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Østkystruten - Route T19 - Bicycle route in Kolding

Bøgeskov - Hejlsminde

The east coast route, which follows national route 5, is slightly hilly. It follows Lillebælt through Fredericia and Kolding and along the way provides views of Kolding Inlet, Mosvig and Hejlsminde Bay. The centre of Fredericia consists of streets at right angles surrounded by one of the best preserved ramparts in Northern Europe, dating back to the 1600s. The town centre has a large selection of specialty shops, cafés and restaurants. If you feel like a quick dip, the beach at Østerstrand is close to the city centre. Enjoy an ice cream at the kiosk on the beach or stroll along the scenic path at the water’s edge.

From Fredericia, the route continues to Kolding and further south onto the Stenderup Peninsula. On the Stenderup Peninsula, we suggest a walk in the Stenderup woods, where some of the trees are more than 500 years old. Enjoy your bring-along coffee at Løverodde with a view over the Little Belt. At Skamlingsbanken you will come across one of the oldest monuments in Danish history. The granite column was raised in 1863 in memory of those who fought for the Danish cause. Today, Skamlingsbanken is a popular excursion spot, and in summer free operas are staged here, which attract audiences of up to 30,000.

The route ends in the old Hejlsminde fishing hamlet, which today is a small seaside resort. The old Hejlsminde Badehotel was constructed in 1912 and is today regarded as the town’s landmark. If you enjoy water sports, we suggest you call in at Dunkerbeck Windsurfing Centre, which is located a stone throw from the waterfront. The centre hires out gear and offers courses in windsurfing, stand-up paddling and similar.

Under "Links" at the bottom of the page you will find a link to the route in Naviki. Here you can register as a user, after which you can enter the route and save it under "my routes". Then you can download the Naviki app and open up and find the route under "my routes" to follow the route.

1. Voldene i Fredericia
2. Madsbyparken
3. Koldinghus
4. Geografisk Have
5. Stenderup Halvøen
6. Skamlingsbanken
7. Christiansfeld
8. Hejlsminde


Hotels / Inns
Best Western Fredericia
Kryb I Ly
Brødremenighedens Hotel
Comwell Kolding
Hejse Kro
Hotel Gammel Havn
Hotel Koldingfjord
Hotel Medio
Hotel Postgaarden
Tyrstrup Kro
Sdr. Bjert Kro
Trinity Hotel og Konferencecenter
Hotel Kolding
Kolding Hotel Apartments
Milling Hotel Saxildhus

Dancamps Kolding
Grønninghoved Strand Camping
Hejlsminde Strand Camping
MyCamp Trelde Næs
Stensager Strand Camping

Kolding Sportel
Pulzion Sportshotel
Danhostel Kolding
Danhostel Fredericia

Bed and Breakfast
Artist's B&B
Birgit og H.O Skovrup
Bondegårdsferie Vejstrupgård
Carsten Birchedal
Gurli Bruhn
H.C. Guldager
Juhls Bed & Breakfast
Karin Gjødsbøl
Karen M. og Per Hvidberg
Karsten Iversen
Kobbersted: Helle og Erik Schultz
Maybom Kolding
Mit Bed & Breakfast
My Camp Trelde Næs Rooms
Per Kjølby
Peter Jensen
Vibeke & Jens Peter Skovmose
Villa Terne v. Jeppe Løgstrup

Wilfred Hedegaard

Villa Gertrud

Tour suggestions

T10: Kolding Ådal og Hylkedalen

T11: Vandvejen ved Kolding

T12: Christiansfeld

T13: Middelalderruten

T14: Drejens Halvø

T15: Elbodalen

T16: Troldhedestien

T17: Kongeådalen

T18: Lillebælt Classic

See Links section for map. If you need GPX files for GPS, follow the link to the route map and download it from there.

Have a great trip!