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At Kerteminde Ny Kirkegård stands the sculpture Porten by Per Ahlmann.

The sculpture stands at Kerteminde's Ny Kirkegård, where it was unveiled in connection with the new construction of Kirkegårds Allé in April 2014.

"The gate" is a symbol of transition and transformation, but there are many layers of interpretation in it, Per Ahlmann told Fyens Stiftstidende. – It's probably a lot about what you yourself are already filled with – for some it's very nature, for others very physical, says Per Ahlmann, who made the sculpture after meeting cemetery manager Ulrik Christiansen and on the basis of a project, the potter had the sketches lying around.

Per Ahlmann has made one other sculpture for a cemetery, and he has also made individual tombstones in ceramics. – It's quite special. I must have made about 15 ceramic gravestones, which are around the country. But it's something I'm working on developing - because the ceramics give me the opportunity to spend more time on design and the colours. And it is very special to be involved, says the artist.

Artist Per Ahlmann

Per Ahlmann, born 1965, can be described as a ceramic sculptor who operates in very close connection with his material. He produces works that combine the concrete with the abstract – sculptures that are simply sculpture.

Per Ahlmann graduated from Denmark's Design School in 1995 and throughout his career has worked towards his characteristic expression, which unites concrete with abstract, material with concept and craftsmanship with art.

According to Per Ahlmann, a sculpture is successful when it seems like a reproduction of something you should recognize, but is nevertheless completely abstract. The fact that the sculpture can evoke this sensation is based, among other things, on a form of obviousness which must be present in the juxtaposition and transitions between the sculpture's sub-elements. Furthermore, it is a distinctive feature of Ahlmann that it is specifically the potential of ceramics as a sculptural material that drives him.