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Refsbøl Mølle - Hurup Thy

Refsbøl Mill is a Dutch wind turbine built in Hurup Thy in 1884.

The mill has a foundation of boulders and an octagonal superstructure with chipboard roofing.

The mill was in operation until 1962, when it was handed over to Hurup Håndværker- og Borgerforening in exchange for the association being responsible for maintenance in the future.

Refsbøl Mill was thoroughly restored in the late 1960s and again in 2006.

Dutch wind turbines in Thy

From 1860 to the middle of the 20th century, many Dutch mills were built in Thy. Also visit the two other Dutch wind turbines in Sydthy: Klostermøllen in Vestervig and Heltborg Mølle.