Shelters at Sjoen
Shelters close to Ærø's southernmost point.
This beautiful shelter and tent site is located on a large public area, which among other things houses a tow place for the local recreational fishermen. The hedges provide good shelter from the wind, which can be quite strong here. The water is nice and fresh, but the beach is quite rocky. If you walk along the beach to the east you can see the remains of Sct. Albert - a defense facility from the Viking Age. The 6 wind turbines that stand in the fields in the hinterland together produce more electricity than is consumed on Ærø.
In Dunkær (2.5 km) there is a free bus to Marstal, Ærøskøbing and Søby.
Number of shelters: 2
Number of beds: 9
Drinking water: No. Must be brought.
Toilet distance: There is a primitive toilet at this shelter site. Bring toilet paper.
Campfire site: Yes.
Distance to water: 30 m
You can only spend 1-2 nights at a time in these shelters which are solely reserved for visitors who reach the shelters rowing, kayaking, walking, or cycling, but not using motorised transport. The site is owned and managed by the municipality of Ærø.
The shelters can be booked via bookenshelter.dk