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Sing together 2023

Alsang brings Denmark together and sets the collective song free

Alsang was the largest collective singing project in modern times. With inspiration from the alsang conventions, which were held during the Second World War, the project ALSANG was to fill the country with common song and put a spotlight on the concepts "freedom, future and common song", as a marking of the 75th anniversary of Denmark's liberation in 2020. Due to Due to Covid-19, it was only held later, but it was a great success, of which Ringsted has also been a large part. That is why it is now a fixed tradition to hold the Alsangstævne at the beginning of May.

Ringsted Music and Culture School is responsible for the event.

This year, 2 concerts will be held on 4 May, one for all the municipality's children in 3rd - 5th grade at 10.00 and one for all citizens in Ringsted Municipality at 19.00. Both concerts will be on the lawn in front of St. Bendts Church with a large outdoor stage and a 15-member orchestra consisting of musicians and singers from Ringsted Music & Culture School.

All the schools have been practicing 10 selected Danish songs over the spring and the schools' music teachers report great form in all the participating grade levels. Around 8 - 900 students are expected for this morning's concert from both public schools and independent and private schools, and in addition to practicing the songs in class, the children have been visited by music educators from the Music & Culture School who have toured around to give the project an extra boost. Most schools have been visited twice and there has been really hard practice all round, everyone is looking forward to singing all the songs together in the big choir.

Alsang conferences will link the well-known Danish songs, which this evening will present themselves in completely new arrangements made by people from Ringsted Music & Culture School. The large orchestra has spent the last few months practicing concentrating on the new arrangements and everyone is looking forward to accompanying the joint song at the concert. All the city's choirs are invited to participate and for seniors there will be an opportunity to rest their legs and sit down on the benches set up.

Everyone is welcome and there will be lyrics for everyone.