Stenderup Hage
The perfect place for beginners and snorkelers. Lots of sea life in the shallow water - especially in the common eelgrass. Experience the snake pipefish, shortnose pipefish and pipefish during the summer months. Suitable for night dives. Not much tide.
How to find: Coming from E45, get off at Exit 65 (Kolding S) a couple of hundred meters before you reach Gammel Aalbo. Drive towards Kolding. Pass straight ahead during several crossings, until you can see the harbour. Turn right at the crossing towards Sønder Bjert and Agtrup. Continue towards Sønder Stenderup. At Sønder Stenderup, turn right towards Gammel Aalbo/Bøgehoved. Continue straight ahead towards Gammel Aalbo, but turn right at Stenderuphagevej
Longitude: 9.6934419888
Latitude: 55.458776660
Google Earth Coordinates:
Latitude: 55°27'31.98"N
Longtitude: 9°41'33.99"Ø
Getting in and up the water: You can enter the water opposite the parking space
Highlights: The varying seabed and the sea life at shallow water. Especially the pipefish. Suitable for snorkeling.
Air filling station: You can get your airbottle refilled at Gl. Aalbo Campsite - Alternatively: Hindsgavl Camping in Middelfart (open all year round) during opening times: Hindsgavl Camping. Alternatively ask the local diving club in Middelfart, Tel.: +45 3311 1323 : Dykkerklubben Marsvinet
Best season: all year round
Dangerous areas: None. Beware of sailing close to the shore.
Depth: 0-6 m.
Tide: Hardly any tide.
Level of difficulty (1-5): 1
Permissions: None
Facilities: Parking space and toilets
Photo opportunities: good opportunity for macro
Stenderup Hage
On the eastern tip south of the entrance to Kolding Fjord, you find Stenderup Hage. You can get right down to Lillebælt overlooking the Føns peninsula that extends far into the belt.
The common eelgrass is the marine nursery and here at Stenderup Hage, there are good belts with common eelgrass and other seaweed species. The water is shallow, so it's a good place for beginners and snorkelers alike.
In the shallow water the common eelgrass thrives, which is the only flowering plant in the Danish marine environment. In early spring, you meet the vivaparous blenny, which gives birth to living offspring. Youwill be able to meet vivaparous blenny right up to winter time. You can find the vivaparous blenny throughout the day, but it is mostly active morning and evening.
Many of the other species which live in the common eelgrass such as snake pipefish, shortnose pipefish and pipefish can also be seen here. You have to look closely to find these still, well camouflaged fish, but they are here. Especially in the summer months, you can experience all species here. But you have to swim slowly and take your time.
The ninespines stickleback, which builds a nest of a thread it spins, is also a common fish here. It is not moving in the breeding time and can be found again and again at the same place. But out on the sandy seabed, there is life too. Shoals of sandeels swim around and are a favourite food source for larger fish, such as the flatfish which hide at the seabed. It is often only the eyes and the outline of the fish you can see when you are swimming.
Both flounder and plaice can be seen here with their brood. The place is also very suitable for night diving. Here you can be lucky enough to find sea trout and cod, which seek out the shallow water in search of food during the dark hours. But the sea trout are very shy, so it takes a little luck to see it up close. Cod, on the other hand, is easier to get close to.
Remember clearly visible marking when you dive - especially on night dives, as this place is popular with anglers too. Stenderup Hage hides plenty of sea life and many experiences - just remember to swim slowly - day and night.