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Strand Pavillonen Hornbæk

Experience the perfect blend of French and Danish cuisine in this popular restaurant that is perfect for family dinners and private parties as well as conventions and business meetings. 

StrandPavillonen (Beach Pavilion)  is a unique restaurant located in the heart of Hornbæk. In pursuit of quality, the menu has been inspired by a blend of two distinct European food cultures: the traditional French cafe and the old traditional Danish kitchen - infused with a modern twist. 

StrandPavillonen has changing menus throughout the year, adapted to complement the season and nature. The cafe offers everything from seasonal brunch to a versatile lunch to an exciting evening menu. Expect classic French dishes such as confit of duck and moules frites side by side with burgers and seafood. 


Celebrated social hub 

The phrase 'See you on Strand P.' is often heard in North Zealand. For many years, StrandPavillonen has set the scene for countless conventions, business meetings, family dinners, coffee meetings and large parties. For several decades it has been the Danes' favourite destination when heading north - and over time has become something of an institution in North Zealand. 

With its grand open kitchen with window sections, openness has been a mantra to its customers, matched by the friendliness of the professional staff. StrandPavillon's large bright and French-inspired function room - also called 'the old cinema' - forms the setting for many grand occasions, while intimate dining experiences ensure that you will have a fabulous time that lingers long in the memory.