Teaterbygningen - Køge Kommunes kulturhus
The Theater Building is one of Køge's beautiful and historic gems, which since its opening in 1884 has been the center of countless cultural experiences and memories.
The theater building is one of Køge's beautiful and historic gems. Since its opening in 1884, the house has been visited, loved, teased, worn, and used to create countless memories through large and small cultural experiences. Here, generations of Køge citizens, visitors from the surrounding areas, and national voices of all kinds have been able to gather, engage, and enjoy. Imagine the stories one could take home if the old walls could speak here.
THE HERITAGE AND THE FUTURE The passage of years and the many active voices and guests have greatly influenced how the Theater Building has become the vibrant house we know today.
Attitudes toward, for example, the building's recognizable and raw facade have been the focus of several debates in recent years, and we are still not done discussing the Theater Building's distinctive painting.
The conversion of the Theater Building's traditional kitchen to green and plant-based everyday fare in recent years has also sparked lively debate. One thing, however, has never changed - one eats well at the Theater Building, and one will continue to do so in the years to come.
Conflicting opinions and glowing commitments are valued and provide energy for the continued development of a cultural center in step with its time.
Today, the Theater Building is the entire Køge Municipality's Cultural Center, where efforts are made to deliver a variety of cultural experiences for audiences of all ages - always arranged by a wide range of active volunteers, association members, adult education enthusiasts, as well as cultural center staff.
The house offers to be the cultural gathering point for the people of Køge, and with a program bursting with children's theater, comedy, concerts, lectures, communal meals, and much more, there is still something for everyone's taste at the Theater Building.