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Trail of Ancient Times - Rammedige

On the way to the Bovbjerg Lighthouse on the North Sea, you can see Rammedige, a defense force from the Iron Age. The defense works are located across Oldtidsvejen. Together, violence, grave and bog have cut off outsiders. So the area's residents have been able to live in peace for the enemies that came from the land side.

West of Rammedige is another 15 of the original about 60 burial mounds from the Stone and Bronze Age. One legend tells that in one of the mounds, an English king sits on a throne of gold surrounded by so great valuables that he can pay off all of Denmark's debt.

In its heyday, the violence was up to 4 m wide, 2 m high and 2-2.5 km long. Today, approx. 1650 m with piles and soil.