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The Ulkerup Souls

In 2010 a sculpture group of seven cowl-clad Ulkerup Souls was erected on the cleared village site in Ulkerup Forest so that the legend about the vanished people could be visualized as a part of the total tale of the Ulkerup People. The group of seven cowl-clad souls have since then been extended by two additional members standing a little apart – so now they are nine. In 2011, the Environment Ministry has granted permission for the group to remain in the forest until 2017.

Architect and artist Per Pandrup and ceramic designer Martin Nybo Jensen have worked jointly in producing the nine life-size ceramic sculptures.

According to the legend, the whispering of the Ulkerup Souls can be heard when passing the sculpture group at dusk and in the dark, the Souls become alive to visit their previous homes in the forest…