Viby Mill
Viby Mølle
In the beautiful and very well-preserved village of Viby with its many listed houses, you can see the old Viby Mill, which is one of Denmark's largest and best-preserved Dutch mills.
Viby Mølle was built in 1854 as a replacement for a stump mill, which was located further north. After a fire caused by lightning in 1869, the mill was rebuilt immediately afterwards. Today, a local mill guild ensures that the blades are touched.
The area by Viby Mølle is Viby's party place. Here is a magnificent view – to Salby and Mesinge, Munkebo Bakke and Odense Fjord.
Opening hours and prices
It is possible to visit the mill. Admission to the mill of DKK 20 is welcome.
The mill is open on Sundays from the end of June until approx. ultimo August.
Appointments can be made for visits outside opening hours on phone +45 21587390 or email gormthor@outlook.dk
Extensive restoration of the mill will be carried out from 2023 and well into 2024. This may lead to restricted access for periods.