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Vinskabt - wine shop

Vinskabt is an online wine shop that focuses on climate morality. Thomas and Trine Fisker, brother and sister from Skive.

They have a passion for honest and pure products. They only sell “green wines,” meaning all their wines are organic, biodynamic, and natural. They carefully select producers based on their philosophy and approach to protecting nature and each other. And they take pride in every single wine in their selection.

They are also on a mission to make wine less snobbish and pretentious. Tasting wine should be an experience accessible to everyone – wrapped in a gift of humor and personality.

Vinskabt sells wine to both consumers and businesses.

Do you have a restaurant, a shop, an event venue, or something similar?
Would you like a more sustainable wine selection? Or to expand your current selection?
Are you interested in a tasting, an event, or a talk about/with “green wines”? (for businesses or private events)

Then get in touch with Vinskabt! They’ll find a solution that fits your needs.

For more information

You can learn more about Vinskabt and their quirky universe on Facebook and Instagram – "Vinskabt".