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Vinterbadepunkt Rudkøbing Badeanstalt

Rudkøbing Seaside Bathing Centre located at Rudkøbing Harbour, participant is a winter bathing point with a focus on water quality and safety.

Rudkøbing Badeanstalt was built in 1926 and is located in Rudkøbing Harbour next to the ferry jetty.
The bathing centre was renovated in connection with its 90th birthday in 2016.

The bathing centre consists of several cabins, toilet facilities, an outdoor shower and a jetty. Please note that the toilet at the bathing centre is closed during the winter (from week 42 to week 14 inclusive). The changing room can be accessed with a key that is located in a key box - the code for this can be obtained from Vej, Park og Ejendomme or the bathing association.

Winter bathing point

Rudkøbing Badeanstalt has been selected for the Danish Outdoor Council's pilot project with Winter Bathing Points.
In order to be able to hoist the Winter Bathing Point flag, it is a requirement that water samples are taken at maximum 30-day intervals during the winter and, of course, that the samples show a high water quality. However, during the pilot phase, the Outdoor Council will focus on bathing safety.

8 good winter swimming tips


Check bathing conditions and know your rescue equipment
Watch out for ice on stairs and bridges
Lower your body slowly into the water
Never swim alone


Breathe calmly
Keep an eye on each other
Stay close to stairs or bridges
Never swim under the ice

Source: Council for Greater Bathing Safety