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The Wild Horses - Klise Nor

A beautiful nature reserve north of Bagenkop. A small herd of wild horses can be seen grazing here.

Just north of Bagenkop lies the nature reserve of Klise Nor. This area is a mosaic of low sand dunes, coastal meadows, lagoon, common and grassland. Klise Nor is an outlying part of the larger Magelby Nor. Drainage water from the dammed-up Magleby Nor is led through Klise Nor into the sea. The coastal meadows here are grazed by a small herd of Exmoor ponies. One part of the wooden shelter used by the ponies has been into an indoors picnic spot.

Remember these 5 points when you enter the horse’s enclosure:

  • Keep your distance from the horses – at least 25 meters
  • Do not touch or feed the horses
  • Refrain from walking between the animals. Always make sure you give them room to move freely
  • Leave the foals in peace
  • Keep your dog on a short leash - or don't take it into the enclosure